I’m 18 so go on and pick a university, go on and choose a degree, go on and figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life. Make something of yourself!
I’m 20 now and no idea on who i am or what i want. Searching for myself i quit school en get to work.
Retirementhome. Hmm maybe not.
Wintertour. What? Wintour.
The benefit of the doubt and i’m in. And boy was I in….
I speak 5 languages
I found the love i felt i deserved not just my boyfriend but also my best friends and second family.
I found how to turn my insecurity in to something that drives me.
I can communicate about what i want in a strong way.
I can look at a situation from both sides instead of being a oneway street.
I started our own bussiness in Belgium together with my boyfriend, who, well yes, I met thanks to APPLY!
The risk is big, but i know because of the years of experience as teamleader working with different cultures and people i will be able to manage this new big step.
If you would’ve asked me 5 years ago about this, i would have said that owning my own business was a far off dream. But thanks to APPLY i became the person i am today, ready to go on this new exciting adventure.
That next step was called Fabiola. A new concept in the centre of Antwerp, A Kroktailbar, the perfect combination of kroks (toasts) and cocktails. With our fresh spirit and knowledge of the horecabussiness we turned this lunchbar into a place for young and old. A place where you can have a nice lunch or enjoy you’re afterwork cocktail on the terrace.
I never finished school but i learned a lot more about life experience in the last 10 years, then what I would ever learn from any kind of book.
Oh and for those who end up in Fabiola Antwerp and have read this blog, use the secret password “APPLY” and enjoy a 5% discount on your entire bill
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